District Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
Describe how the district will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policies, on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC:
(A) Universal and correct wearing of masks.
USD 480 will follow state and local regulations/mandates for mask requirements. At any time, any staff or student that desires to wear a face covering is encouraged to do so in an appropriate manner.
(B) Modifying facilities to allow for physical distancing (e.g., use of cohorts/podding).
USD 480 will monitor local conditions via the severity index and respond accordingly.
(C) Handwashing and respiratory etiquette.
Students and staff will continue to follow hand washing and hand sanitizing practices at regular intervals throughout the day, including but not limited to: Upon arrival at a district facility, before, during and after preparing food, before and after eating food, before and after treating a cut or wound, after using the toilet, after changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, after touching garbage.
All hand sanitizer shall contain at least 60% alcohol. Use of hand sanitizer shall be secondary to proper handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
(D) Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation.
USD 480 will continue to practice cleaning for health strategies, including increased focus on touch point sanitization. Facilities will continue to have constant ventilation while occupied to increase the amount of air turnover.
(E) Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments.
USD 480 in conjunction with the Seward County Health Department will follow KDHE guidelines for contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine orders and guidelines.
(F) Diagnostic and screening testing.
The Seward County Health Department offers diagnostic and screening testing for COVID 19 to all persons.
(G) Efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities.
The Seward County Health Department continues to offer vaccinations to all persons 12 years old and up. Vaccinations are also available at multiple commercial pharmacies and retailers.
(H) Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies.
USD 480 will make reasonable accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies. Accommodations shall be approved via the USD 480 nursing staff and district administration. Accommodations shall be focused on keeping children in school.
(I) Coordination with State and local health officials.
USD 480 will continue to work with the Seward County Health Department on a routine basis to ensure the health and safety of our students and community. Regular communication regarding contact tracing, quarantine and isolation orders shall continue.
Part II.
Describe how the district will ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to:
(A) services to address students' academic needs
USD 480 will provide in person instruction, including tiered support and disability services, to meet the individual needs of all students.
(B) students' and staff social, emotional, mental health
Student social, emotional, and mental health needs will be met through a social emotional curriculum and social worker and counseling staff in each building. Staff social, emotional, and mental health services will be addressed through professional development and health/mental health benefits provided by the district.
(C) other needs, which may include student health and food services.
Each school building is staffed by a licensed school nurse. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at each building at no charge.