Watch DOGS

Bright Start Pre-K Center hosted a Dads and Kids' Pizza Night to celebrate the launch of the WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dogs of Great Students) program. This great community engagement program invites fathers and father figures to spend an entire day volunteering at their child's school.

Studies have shown that a positive male role model can dramatically increase a child's likelihood of graduating while mainly getting A's along the way. These men work with educators serving as crossing guards, car/bus facilitators, hallway monitors, library aides, and tutors for these children.

By starting at Bright Start, these Watch DOGS can continue through the grades right along with their child.

The school hosted a Pizza Night celebration on Monday night, September 24, as they enrolled dads and completed background checks on the participants.

There were lots of smiles, and we look forward to a "Bright" year for everyone involved.

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